Magnustropin a synthetic 191 amino acid sequence identical to the human growth hormone produced naturally in the body by the pituitary. By being identical in structure to the body's own hGH, there is no risk the body will create antibodies to such Gorwth hormone

The R&D staff include bio-chemistry professionals & medical doctors, with an emphesize on gene engineering. Magnustropin is ensured to have high purity and highest quality possible recombinant HGH, all while still creating excellent value for the consumer, 

Magnustropin can be non regrigerated for over 3 weeks, and only requires low temperatures once its combined with their Bacteriostatic water solvents.

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MagnustropinHGH 100uis

  • Brand: Other
  • Product Code: 100 uis
  • Availability: 9983
  • $475.00

Tags: hgh, growth hormone, hgh 100 uis, supplier, ananbolic steroids, competition anabolic,