Nouvetropin is a synthetic 191 amino acid sequence identical to the human growth hormone produced naturally in the body by the pituitary. By being identical in structure to the body's own hGH, there is no risk the body will create antibodies to it.Nouveaux, is a Swiss company that has been in the market for over a decade..Nouveaux was able to create hGH identical to natural hGH and stable unrefrigerated in room temperature for over 3 weeks before reconstituted with the solvent. The R&D staff include bio-chemistry professionals & medical doctors, with an emphesize on gene engineering.Noveaux is ensured to have high purity and highest quality possible recombinant hGH, all while still creating excellent value for the consumer Growth hormone has a strong anabolic effect as it not only causes muscular hypertrophy (enlargement of muscle cells ) but also muscular hyperplasia ( increase of the number of muscle cells) while anabolic steroids only cause muscular hypertrophy. HGH also influences burning of fat, strengthens the connective tissue ( tendons and cartilage ) and greatly increases strength. Gains made on HGH cycle remain after the drug has been discontinued.